Delta ii rocket launch

NASA Delta ii Final Rocket Launch

Liftoff of the final Delta II rocket was at about 6:02 AM PST from Vandenberg Air Force Base, carrying a laser instrument to measure changes of earth’s ice levels. (Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite-2)
I now wish I had left the ISO at 100 in all my shots, (because of noise), as well as left the lens open longer (at least 30 seconds for most shots).
But considering the uniqueness of the photo opp as well as the challenges of beginning a shot without the subject being present, in complete darkness, I am very happy I didn’t miss the frame entirely.
Assistance provided by my husband, Jose.

El lanzamiento final del cuete “Delta II” sucedió como a las 6:02 de esta mañana.
La misión carga un satélite con un laser para medir los cambios en las capas de hielo de nuestro planeta. (Satélite: “Hielo, Nube y Elevación del Terreno-2)
Quisiera haber dejado el ISO virtual en 100, puesto que algunas fotos que tomé del humo resultaron tener demasiado ruido.
También debí haber dejado el lente abierto más tiempo- por lo menos 30 segundos- en la mayoría de mis fotos.
Pero dada la singularidad de la oportunidad y los retos de iniciar una fotografía sin que el sujeto principal luzca aún en el paisaje, y que además el paisaje esté de plano oscuro- estoy bastante contenta con los resultados.
Como de costumbre, mi esposo José la hizo de asistente.

© Ave Valencia 2018

5 thoughts on “NASA Delta ii Final Rocket Launch

  1. The ISO noise isn’t bad at all. Just the one do in the corner (as far as I can tell.) I have an old D80. It’s max ISO is 3000. Under the right conditions the ISO noise looks like multicolored

    The pic makes for a nice effect


    1. Hello!
      The dot, if you are referring to the orange streak photo, is a light source that was in the landscape.
      It appears to be at the same level as where the rocket came up from over the hills.
      There were no structures or roads at that level and I was shooting at ISO 100 in that shot, so I am tempted to say it was the blastoff fire barely making its way above the horizon?
      Don’t know what else it could be.
      Some of my smoke plume photos were shot at a much higher ISO.
      However I ended up not publishing any of those because I was dissatisfied with the noise.


Comments welcome!